
Importing a live WordPress site

I went over with this test load host test, upload host, exporting my website or publishing my host, and I did publish that and I still have here – a teaser dot mamta info. This is the live site. So what I’m going to do in this article is import. This live site into a different host.

Ok, so the first thing I need to do now is create a host. I am going to call this import host, I’m going to make it the basic WordPress install here document root. I need and create that three and create the WordPress post, I’m just going to let that install and save and restart my servers, and this will be a basic install of WordPress. If I open that up here, you can see the basic WordPress host.

Ok, so I have my host set up my WordPress, so so I’m going to go to the remote tab and use the check the used remote server text box to get things started here, and I am going to use this button here. This drop down and I’m going to pull all the credentials from test upload. So this is going to save me a lot of time in filling out all these fields. So I here’s you’re familiar with this from the previous exporter, upload article user, dot, Manta info, username and password.

This is all filled out. It’s going to be the same remote database that I’m importing from and all the information is going to be the same. So I’m just going to save that, and – and what I want to do next is check the credentials for this post to see if they are good, so my credentials are good, and all I have to do now is import. My hosts okay, so I just have to import those here, I’m going to import the hosts, some warnings, of course, about backups and that kind of stuff.

So this is downloading from the remote server and it is going to move this WordPress site from the remote server on to my local Mac here and my man Pro installation. You take a little bit okay, so it’s done so. If I go back to my general tab and click on this button, this is the page on my local machine here and I have the modified version of the WordPress that was previously on my host provider and that’s going to do it for importing a host in Matt pro 5



Introducing Progressive WordPress: Commit Log – Supercharged

What I’m going to do is I’m going to show you how I did my most recent project, which is a PWA that uses WordPress in the back ends. 28 % of domains actually use WordPress and that’s a pretty impressive number, but also WordPress is written in PHP, which you’ve never done on supercharged before, and I know PHP has a pretty bad reputation, but I would like to ask you to not like complain about it In the comments, because I think at around 80 % of backends use PHP, so it’s probably good to have some experience with PHP.

If you are a web developer with WordPress, you usually have two ways to get into the system. You can either write a plugin or you can write a theme if you want to introduce PWA features on a simple way. It is much easier to write a theme and that’s what I did. I just want a theme that uses serviceworker and you know progressive image. Loading all these little things, and I would like to show you how I did that before we start.

I just want to give one warning that I basically have no experience with WordPress, which is kind of good, because on the one hand, that means that I didn’t go into the WordPress internals and did any kind of monkey patching, but also it might mean that I Have violated some wordpress best practices along the way, and I hope you can forgive me for that. But if you find anything that I could have done better feel free to leave a comment or open a PR on the repository.

The link to which I will put in description, so you can check out the code and maybe even run it yourself, but without further ado. Let’s take a look at what I built and where we’re going to arrive, hopefully at the end of the series. So here I have my Moto G 4, which is my development device. The Moto G 4 is what we consider a low end device. It’s not really powerful, but I use it because I want to make sure that all the animations and the loading I did worked smoothly on emoji 4.

So if I open what I add to homescreen here, that is the block it loads really quickly and it’s right there and then we can scroll along and see that every blog post has a button to make it available for offline reading, which I think is a Really nice feature for a blog, and if I open one of the blog post, you will see this really nice transition happening, which makes it feel really slick, and you can just read through the blog post, the images will load in once they scroll into view in Order ahead of time – which again, I think is a really data saving feature and more blocks should have it at the bottom.

You have a comment section where you can also leave a comment yourself and you can even leave comments while offline, which is also a pretty interesting feature, if you think about being in a tube and leaving a comment. But as you can see, even if I go back, there’s transitions it’s happening and they look really nice, and so I pay enough attention to smooth animations, really good loading performance and just a nice user experience.

So I hope you’re excited about this. I certainly am in the next episode I’m going to set up the development environment and I use docker for that which was a really interesting and, in the end, a really good experience. So if you’re interested in that stay tuned, subscribe to the blog and I’ll see you next time, you